The PI3WVR41310 four-lane video switch from Diodes supports DisplayPort 2.1 transmission rates at 13.5 Gbps and HDMI 2.1 at 12 Gbps. Its high-speed capability enables increased resolution and refresh rates in commercial displays, gaming monitors, video-matrix switches, and embedded applications.
Operating as a four-lane 3:1 multiplexer or 1:3 demultiplexer, the PI3WVR41310 achieves low insertion loss of -1.8 dB at 13.5 Gbps and offers a -3 dB bandwidth of 10 GHz. The device can pass high-speed signals with up to 1.2 V peak-to-peak differential and TMDS signals with a common-mode voltage from 0 V to VDD.
To aid proper configuration and communication between connected devices, there are dedicated display data channel (DDC) and auxiliary channel (AUX) pins, as well as hot-plug detection (HPD) pins. These pins allow equipment to automatically recognize when connections are made.
Housed in a 52-pin, 3.5×9-mm TQFN package, the PI3WVR41310 video switch costs $1.65 each in lots of 3500 units.
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