Download MediaInfo CLI

MediaInfo CLI is a command-line utility which enables you to bring up various information about your media files, with a minimal amount of effort.

The installation process is not a prerequisite, seeing this tool is portable. This means that the Windows registry is not going to receive any kind of new updates without your prior approval.

You should also know that you can run MediaInfo CLI on any PC you come in contact with, by simply copying the program files to a USB flash drive.

As it is to be expected, seeing this is a command-line application, it will surely not appeal to novice users, yet versed individuals should not have any problems with it, being easy to launch from the Command Prompt.

The program enables you to view all the information available in a specified media file, while you can also display the HTML and XML tags and save the output items in a custom location on the hard drive.

Aside from that, you can bring up a list of information parameters, view a file’s SSL certificate and Private Key, as well as set up the app not to verify the authenticity of the peer’s certificate.

In conclusion, MediaInfo CLI is a pretty simple, yet efficient piece of software for power users that want to view various information pertaining to their media files. The computer’s performance is not going to be hindered and the response time is quite good. We did not come by any kind of errors in our tests.

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