The ATIS’ Next G Alliance (NGA) has released a report titled “Spectrum Needs for 6G“, outlining the spectrum requirements necessary for 6G technology. This report is based on specific performance indicators and technical requirements of various 6G applications, particularly focusing on the needs of North America.
The report’s methodology focuses on the data rate requirements for different 6G applications. This work is part of the NGA’s broader effort to create a comprehensive 6G roadmap.
“Understanding and planning for next G spectrum needs is crucial for U.S. leadership in emerging technologies,” said David Young, Managing Director of the Next G Alliance. “Spectrum decisions are complex and take time to implement. This paper aims to ensure that 6G spectrum needs are considered in the development of policies, regulatory decisions, and technical solutions.”
Andrew Thiessen of MITRE and Chair of the Next G Alliance Spectrum Working Group, highlighted the importance of spectrum: “Spectrum is essential for commercial mobile broadband. Without available spectrum, achieving widespread connectivity is challenging. This document provides an initial look at the spectrum requirements for 6G development.”
This report is intended to guide policymakers, regulatory bodies, and technology developers as they work on spectrum allocation and usage for 6G.
Click here for more information on Next G Alliance’s resources on 6G.