Copilot+ PCs powered by Qualcomm’s Snapdragon X Elite only launched recently, but you can already find one on sale if you know where to look. The ASUS VivoBook S 15 pairs that powerful and efficient processor with a 3K OLED display with a 120Hz refresh rate. The laptop launched at $1,299.99 but a $100.99 discount brings its price to $1,199.
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Why I recommend this deal
The VivoBook S 15 is an all-rounder laptop that checks a lot of boxes. Need a large 3K OLED display with a 120Hz refresh rate? Check. Need a large battery paired with an efficient processor? Check. Want a wide range of ports for connecting accessories and peripherals? Check, check, check, as the laptop has two USB-C 4.0 [orts, two USB-A 3.2 Gen 1 ports, a headphone jack, a microSD card reader, and a full-size HDMI 2.1 port for outputting content.
I touch on the Snapdragon X Elite chip inside the VivoBook S 15 more below, but the laptop’s processor is impressive and a good showcase of what a Copilot+ PC can be on the Windows on Arm side of things. That chip takes what would otherwise be a solid but not eye-catching laptop and creates a great computing experience.
The VivoBook S 15 and the Snapdragon X Elite inside are newer pieces of hardware, so there aren’t a ton of discounts on them these days. Saving $100 is a nice deal, especially if the VivoBook S15 already ticks the boxes you need filled.
Snapdragon X Elite
The VivoBook S 15 is a fine laptop in terms of design. It also has a stellar screen with a 3K resolution, OLED panel, and 120Hz refresh rate. But what turns so many heads when it comes to the laptop is its Snapdragon X Elite processor. It was one of the first Copilot+ PCs to get reviewed and it holds a spot on our list of the best Copilot+ PCs. The new processor from Qualcomm promises power and efficiency, and it delivers.
“So, does the Snapdragon X Elite live up to the hype? In short, it absolutely does. This chip is a beast, outputting incredible performance that you can feel in almost every task,” said our Senior Editor Zac Bowden in our ASUS VivoBook S 15 review. “Whether browsing the web with lots of tabs, multitasking through lots of open apps, rendering video and audio, hosting a podcast, or even some gaming, The Snapdragon X Elite can do it all.”
That processor is the heart of a solid computing experience that pairs power and efficiency. “In my usage of the laptop, this thing lasts and lasts. With no worries about battery life, I can get through an entire workday with your usual web browsing, email, and office workflow,” said Bowden. “I can even get through much of the following day on the same tank of energy before I feel obligated to plug it in to recharge.”