KRYTAR Announces New Compact 3 dB, 180-Degree Hybrid Coupler Covering the Frequency from 0.4 to 7.125 GHz

KRYTAR, Inc. announced a new 180-degree hybrid coupler that delivers 3 dB of coupling over the frequency range of 0.4 to 7.125 GHz in a compact package. KRYTAR’s family of 3 dB, 180-degree hybrid couplers perform many functions, including splitting and combining signals in amplifiers, switching circuits, and antenna beam-forming networks used in a wide range of commercial and military applications.

KRYTAR’s new 180-degree hybrid coupler, Model 400407125, delivers exceptional versatility from 0.4 to 7.125 GHz with excellent phase and amplitude matching. Typical specifications include 3 dB coupling; amplitude imbalance: ±0.7 dB; phase imbalance is ±10 degrees; Isolation is > 15 dB; maximum VSWR: 1.4; and insertion loss of < 2.9 dB. The 180-degree hybrids (also referred to as the “rat race” couplers) are four-part devices that are utilized to either equally divide an input signal or to add-up two fused signals. An extra benefit of this hybrid coupler is to alternately offer an equally-divided 180-degree phase-shifted output signals.

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