- john.smith@gmail.com
- jo.hn.sm.ith@gmail.com
- j.o.h.n.s.m.i.t.h@gmail.com
“Dude, I have the same thing happening with my “FirstnameLastname@gmail.com” address. Some dude keeps trying to use “Firstname.Lastname@gmail.com” thinking that’s his email address, and it’s… not. I get his emails. Legal notices, business inquiries… it’s been happening for almost a decade. You’d think he’d figure it out by now.”-Reddit subscriber jb-1984
This can also work like this. Suppose you are a friend of someone also named John Smith and his email address is iohn.43.smith@gmail.com. But let’s assume that you forgot the numerals and typed only the dot instead. The email you sent to john.smith@gmail.com all about your cancer diagnosis and other personal information will end up going to johnsmith@gmail.com because he automatically owns john.smith@gmail.com. You do see the issue here, right?
Some Gmail users think that if they own the smith@gmail.com Gmail address, they will receive email addressed to john.smith@gmail.com or jenny.smith@gmail.com. That is not the case. Those emails will go to johnsmith@gmail.com or jennysmith@gmail.com instead.
Let’s change up the scenario a little. Suppose this time you have a relative named John Smith who is a tax lawyer with the Gmail address of John. Smith.1099@gmail.com. You want to tell John all about your legal hassles with the IRS to see what advice he has for you. So you send him all of the info in an email addressed incorrectly to john.smith.@gmail.com.
Because of your mistake, your embarrassing information arrives in the inbox of johnsmith@gmail.com. Something like this can absolutely happen! The best way to avoid a problem is to make sure you know what your recipient’s correct email address is, and double-check to make sure that you’ve typed that address correctly.