If you want to fall asleep faster, one of the first things you need to do is work on your nighttime routine. However, it can be hard to build and establish a nighttime routine, especially if you have a busy schedule and are unsure what a good bedtime routine looks like.
But it doesn’t have to be. There are actually plenty of things to do before bedtime that will help you sleep better, and these habits can be pretty simple. While buying the best mattress for your sleep style may help with sleep issues such as back pain or overheating, there’s a certain habit that will help you sleep better that’s cheap, quick, and accessible.
In 2018, a study found that those who write a to-do list for the next day before bed fell asleep an average of nine minutes faster than those who wrote about the tasks they had already completed that day. Read on to find out how this habit helps you sleep and why you should add it to your bedtime routine.
How writing a to-do list helps you sleep
1. Reduces anxiety and allows your mind to switch off
Have ever gone to bed with thoughts and concerns about the next day swirling around your head? What if I’m late? What if I forget something? What do I need to do in the morning?
Breaking these thoughts down into a step-by-step to-do list at night, will get concerns out of your head onto paper, easing nighttime anxiety. The study concluded that purging yourself of these thoughts or taking steps to complete them helps to relieve anxiety, making it easier to relax and unwind.
2. Creates a consistent nighttime routine
Research has shown that an irregular nighttime routine can lead to less sleep and poor sleep quality. Establishing a nightly ritual will help you to establish a consistent sleep schedule and can be used as a prompt to wind down.
Humans are creatures of habit and routine, and having clear indicators to your mind and body that it’s time for bed will make the process of falling asleep quicker and easier.
If you want to add more little habits to your nighttime routine, read our guide on how to create a nighttime routine for adults.
3. Reduces pre-bedtime screen timeĀ
Studies have shown that those who use light-emitting devices before bedtime took longer to fall asleep, were more likely to have sleep inertia in the morning and had less REM sleep, too. REM sleep is essential to process our emotional experiences and to repair and rest our brains.
Using a notepad and pen to jot down a to-do list or your concerns will not only help you to empty your head of anxious thoughts, but also reduce your time staring at a sleep-hindering blue light.
Other organization habits that help you sleep
Tidy your bedroom before bed
A study by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine found that a cluttered, untidy room can negatively impact sleep quality, as a messy room can weigh on our minds and can also make it harder to find things the next morning.
Give your bedroom a quick tidy, including getting any items off your bed so you can climb in as soon as you feel tired.
Prepare what you need for the next day
Laying out clothes, getting your bag ready, and prepping breakfast and lunch will not only stop you from worrying in bed that you’ll forget something, but it will also streamline your morning routine and help you get out the door quicker.
It may even afford you some extra minutes in bed, making it easier to get 7-9 hours of sleep a night.
Stay on top of cleaning
Cleaning your mattress is important to ensure you’re sleeping on a hygienic bed. Vacuuming as well as spot cleaning and using baking soda can get rid of allergens like dust mites that can cause congestion, leading to worse sleep.
Similarly, washing your pillow and regularly cleaning you sheets will help create a peaceful environment, conducive to sleep.