SPECTRANR V6 MOBILE – More Than Just the Perfect WLAN Troubleshooter

Real-time spectrum analyzers have become an indispensable tool for ensuring the electromagnetic compatibility of devices or circuits. The same applies to the detection of electromagnetic interference (EMI). With the help of portable solutions, technicians can identify sources of interference on site and carry out measurements without having to rely on stationary laboratories. Similarly, mobile real-time spectrum analyzers are playing an increasingly important role in wireless communication. With the growing density and complexity of WLAN networks, for example, the requirements for their analysis and maintenance are increasing.

These networks often use advanced frequency hopping techniques and adaptive modulation schemes to quickly adapt to changing conditions. As a result, signals can be extremely short-lived and their occurrence limited to fractions of a second. While RTSA devices can capture signals in real time, their performance can be affected by factors such as limited sampling rates or insufficient resolution in the frequency domain. This makes it difficult to clearly identify interference or other sources of interference

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